20 years ago, the first ever product was ordered over the internet. It may surprise you to find out that it was pizza. Pizza Hut can boast this particular piece of history after using, by today’s standards, a basic website to process the order in January 1994.

In the intervening decades, the internet has revolutionised the way we do business. So much so, in fact, that we would ask the question; whether or not your business can afford not to have a website? E-commerce stores have enabled businesses to begin trading with customers without having to open a physical ‘bricks and mortar’ store. Today’s businesses can operate 24/7, if they so wish,  solely and completely online.

The internet and the continued development of technology has fundamentally changed the way businesses operate. Recently we celebrated E-Day, as the business community continues to progress towards greater online payments integration. Of course, the rise of cloud technology has led to an increase of online services for businesses, such as ourselves, Big Red Cloud, providing cloud accounting software. The cloud allows small businesses and start ups alike the potential resources to compete with larger, more established business and looks set to become the status quo of business operations now and into the future.

We’ve come a long way after 20 years of ordering the first pizza online but we must ask you business owners a question. Are you taking full advantage of the wide choice of online resources to help your business succeed?