Nailing the sale in the first 10 minutes of picking up the phone is what every sales agent wants to do. You dream about that perfect day where every client says, “Yes!” to all the products offered during the call as you are able to cross-sell and upsell other products and services. Yet having this productive sales day takes time, effort and planning before you even pick up the phone. Here are 5 telesales tips to help with your marketing strategies.

5 productive telesales tips

1: Jump on the lead immediately

When a lead comes in, it doesn’t mean that you go for a cup of coffee, play a few Facebook games, and check your email before calling the person back. Those first 15 minutes are crucial in converting that lead into a successful sale. That person has already shown interest in your company. Yet their interest will begin to fade the longer time ticks away, as that the lead will have you work twice as hard to convince them you are the right business for their needs.

2: Have a clear objective for the call

Are you calling to enrol them in a special loyalty program? Do you want to simply provide additional information about a certain product? Maybe you are trying to sell additional products and services? Cold calling doesn’t mean you go in unprepared. Understand why you are calling them and what you hope to accomplish. Then focus your questions on gaining as much information as you need in a short amount of time to make the sale.

3: Become an effective problem solver

To offer the right products and services, you have to be a problem solver and fully understand their needs. Asking questions can open the doors to a meaningful conversation.

Yes, we are keen as mustard to sell our online accounting software, yet listening is also vital as you have to hear what the person desires and jump on the chance to remedy their dilemma. Ask one question at a time and let the other person speak without cutting them off in mid-sentence. Be sympathetic to their problems and then show your knowledge about the products and services that can be their solution.

4: Don’t be afraid to go off-script

Quite a few people fail at telesales because they stick with the script without actually figuring out what the person needs. The person leaves an opening to discuss something else that the company offers, yet you are so focused on making a different type of sale that you miss the opportunity. Follow up their answers with related questions as you are opening up the doors to offer additional products and services. Just keep in mind that if you do go off-script, keep the conversation focused on what your business strictly offers so you don’t end up leading people toward your competitors.

5: Never give up on indecisive clients

Indecisive clients will be the most frustrating part of telesales. Don’t just say you will call back after giving them time to think about the conversation. Try to get some type of commitment from them during the first call. If the client has an objection, let them further explain their concerns during that initial call. Then tackle the objection from another angle. If a person is worried about the initial price of the product, take a stance that the return of investment will have the product paying for itself in a few months. Always provide different positive viewpoints to convince them this is the best product or service they can get.

Perfecting your telesales skills will take time and energy. Yet you will be able to find the marketing tactics that work with your business. Always give your best effort for each call as you will be more productive in turning the person into a paying customer.