First of all, what is a pre-budget submission? It is a submission to the sitting government proposing amendments and changes to the forthcoming budget. Submissions are generally put forward by political parties, trade associations, industry lobby groups and a broad array of other groups and individuals. In the main, the submissions contain proposals that reflect the ethos and beliefs of their respective authors. No surprise there!

Therefore, I think it very worthwhile that every small business owner should read ‘Pre-Budget Submission on behalf of the Irish Startup Sector’. Researched and written by StartUp Ireland, it is an excellent and well written submission that provides great insight and background into what a startup is and the challenges facing young startups in Ireland.

Though the focus of the submission is on tech startups many of the challenges are universal and no matter your business type, you will find plenty of points to nod your head in agreement to. Check out the key list of recommendations below and tell me most of them are not something that you’d love to see changed.

 Pre-budget Submission on behalf of the Irish startup sector

We are witnessing a global expansion in the number of tech startups and there is no doubt that a thriving tech startup sector is good for the Irish economy. The submission recognises that the majority of Ireland’s technology startups are concentrated in Dublin, but they do make recommendations that pertain to the benefit of startups across the island.

Hopefully the minister of finance will take on board some of the recommendations from the team at Startup Ireland. Budget day will reveal all!

Related: Setting a successful foundation for your start up