Simply put, HR is often ignored or relegated to a minor role within a business. For any business that hires full-time of part-time employees HR is an area that you should really pay attention to.
An example is always a good way of illustrating a problem. A HR specialist I know was referred into a small business as they’d hit a few bumps along the road and were now faced with a legal challenge over a seemingly ‘simple’ HR issue.
When the HR specialist asked to see a copy of the company’s staff manual, the CEO promptly produced a downloaded copy of a staff manual from Apple with the quip that if it was good enough for Apple it was good enough for his business.
Apple employs some 45,000 people, the company in question, 15.
Far too many business owners and managers underestimate the complexity of employment law and the above example is but one case in point.
1. All employees (permanent, temporary or fixed term) must be provided with a contract/written particulars of employment within two months of commencing employment.
2. Employees must receive, within 28 days of signing a contract of employment, a copy of the disciplinary procedure, which is in place.
3. All staff are entitled to a 15-minute break after 4.5 hours worked.
Click here to read the 8 must-know HR facts in our HR Guide.
Our HR Guide is a simple and easy to follow guide that clearly sets out the simple steps that every small business owner or manager can take to map our a coherent and compliant HR guide for their business.
Our HR partner has a basic HR package that will get you fully covered. Sign up here with the HR Department and purchase your HR contract and staff handbook.