What can Cloud Accounting Software do for your Clients Business?

Well quite a bit actually.

If you manage the bookkeeping for a business, then you’re familiar with many of the issues that conventional accountancy systems throw up – does this sound familiar?

  • Customers querying invoices which you can’t check on-the-spot  – as the accounts system is in a different location.
  • Going into a meeting without the right reports to hand as you’re having problems accessing the system.
  • Hassle finding support for your accounts software when there’s a problem.
  • Time being wasted on trying to meet with your Client as you have to sit down together to access and discuss the accounts.

As a Bookkeeper – working with customers books, traditional accountancy packages cause lots of issues too

  • The ongoing need to handle trivial accounts queries as your customers can’t easily access their own books.
  • Having to update accounts in batches unnecessarily when the information could just as easily be updated by the client as part of their normal business processes.
  • Often there is no support in place if the accountancy system goes down and inevitably this happens when a deadline is looming!
  • Waiting for batches of information from customers means you rarely have the very latest figures to hand.
  • Having to run back-ups on large files is time-consuming and can let you down from time-to-time.

Cloud Accounting Software – Great Idea or Cloud Cuckooland?

There’s been lots of talk about cloud accounting software solutions and sometimes it’s hard to define what this means in practice. In terms of accounting software, a new solution, Big Red Cloud is leading the way in delivering a comprehensive Cloud system that’s proving a big winner for Bookkeepers across the UK and Ireland. While it carries out all the traditional functions you’d expect from a robust bookkeeping package, the fact that it’s in the Cloud – accessible remotely – adds a whole set of benefits;

  • Business managers can access their books from any location where the internet is available and on almost any device – making your accounts just as mobile as you are. It also means vital business information is accessible on a timely basis – just when you need it.
  • It’s extremely easy to upload accounting information into the system. However the benefit of an online and cloud based solution means that this process can be integrated into work practices by the staff at the client company – so there is no necessity for you the book-keeper to upload accounts information into a separate system. This is more efficient for the business and the Bookkeeper.
  • Professional Telephone Technical Support is a luxury that many accounting packages just don’t deliver – either because the service is poor, it’s too expensive or it’s simply not an option. BigRedCloud recognises that businesses and bookkeepers might have some natural reticence about switching to a cloud based system so every form of support is available to customers, free of charge. The telephone support centre is already renowned for its responsiveness and expertise and the team is more than happy to answer queries. Further support is also available by email and live chat – keeping up with you on the move if necessary!

What About Security?

Security is a top priority for anyone working with accounts. Big Red Cloud has taken every possible step to satisfy customers in this respect and given the nature of the service, this is a critical aspect of the cloud accounting package.

First-up the data is encrypted using SSL so accounts information can be securely transferred between business users and accountants. It’s impossible to use the system without this encryption.

Secondly the company does regular security testing and it uses third party specialists to review the set-up, look for any vulnerability and to make sure that any new concerns on the horizon are dealt with well before they could have any possible impact. This pro-active managed approach represents best-practice in the industry.

The backing up of information is integral to a cloud system and this process is wholly robust and proven.

The company also performs security tests from within the application to make sure no privacy issues or data leakage can occur. BigRedCloud also complies with the relevant regulatory authorities in the UK and Ireland in relation to data protection regulations.

What’s the Bottom Line?

Pricing on the system is done on a monthly basis, per user. It starts at just £20 per month – making it a prety compelling option given all the advantages. Marc O’Dwyer, CEO of Big Red Book, the company that has launched Big Red Cloud, says  “When you do the sums – and we’re all in that business – Big Red Cloud is more efficient than any other system out there in the marketplace. It saves the bookkeeper time and the business money – it’s a win-win.” And the great news is its “FREE”  for Bookkeepers (terms and conditions apply)

Related: What makes good accounting software for accountants

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