Getting on with the job One of the many consequences of lockdown has been the realisation that employees can be trusted to work from home. Businesses that use the lessons learned over the last nine [...]
Financial Forecasting
Look ahead with confidence Uncertainty around cash collection makes planning ahead difficult for many small firms. Fortunately, there are steps businesses can take to improve the accuracy of their short and long term financial predictions. [...]
Change of Plan
Evolution or revolution? A sound business plan is the foundation for a successful enterprise - but it can be difficult for business owners to know how and when to change tack. The events of the [...]
Open Banking
Time to share Obliging banks to share customers’ account information was designed to encourage the introduction of new financial services. But with most open banking services aimed at consumers rather than businesses, small enterprises may [...]
Starting a Business
New year, new start One of the most remarkable aspects of 2020 was how coronavirus failed to dampen the Irish entrepreneurial spirit. While new company registrations fell sharply after the virus was declared a pandemic [...]
Financial Resolutions
To better times ahead As we prepare to leave behind a difficult year and enter a new one amid continued uncertainty over when life might return to ‘normal’, here are a few resolutions that will [...]