I attended a presentation last week in The Foundry for the final lecture in the Google Breakfast Briefing series for 2016. The briefing, which was well oversubscribed, focused on Google tools and insights.

It was an insightful and thought provoking presentation but it was amusing that the giant of giants had to get 3 different notebooks on stage before it could get one of the demos to work properly.

That aside, the presenter, Sarah O’Neill from Google, is a consummate presenter and one that is very much on top of her game. Sarah’s presentation on Think with Google was most interesting and it’s one of Google’s tools that you should check out at your earliest convenience.

Think with Google presents data that has been collected and collated by Google’s global team and on top of that they layer the trends and point to some forward-looking perspectives and behind-the-scenes looks at digital campaigns. This is carried out across industries, platforms and audiences. No matter your business there is something here for you. I advise you to sign up today – here.

Great presentations are memorable more often than not from an unintended action. This is what happened during Sarah’s presentation when she introduced a new expression that was new to my ears – that of the ‘time thief.’ She used a great example from within the Think with Google platform.

In it there is a section that collates all the top YouTube ads and ranks them in order of popularity for that month. Sarah played the ‘Imagine The Possibilities | Barbie’ ad (see below) and called it a ‘time thief,’ a video, she claimed, that you could watch over and over, and over some more.

It got me thinking as to all the other instances of time thief that exist in our businesses and how can we use collaborative and/or online tools to avoid them. The obvious one that springs to mind from our perspective is going to be the massive upside of using an online accounting software system such as Big Red Cloud’s. All that time wasted on manual bookkeeping and juggling excel spreadsheets when you could be spending your time more productively.

Using the concept of the time thief is a good one as it’s time that you’ll not get back. It may help to focus your mind more on those apscts of your business that could be carried out more efficiently.

Bottom line is that the more time you spend selling to customers the better off your business will be.

Next time you set about a task ask yourself is it a time thief?